Confirmed Plenary Speakers
Takayuki Aoki - Large scale GPU computing for CFD applications
Deputy Director of the Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Takayuki Aoki received a BSc in Applied Physics (1983), an MSc in Energy Science and Dr.Sci (1989) from Tokyo Institute of Technology, was a Visiting Fellow in Cornell University and the Max-Planck Institute in Germany for one year, has been a professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology since 2001. He has received the Computational Mechanics Achievement Award from Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and many awards and honors in visualization, and others. He is also the vice president of the Japan Association for Computational Mechanics. He has authored the first book in the Japanese language on the CUDA programming and applications. His research covers numerical schemes, numerical weather models, HPC applications on graphics processors, multi-phase flows, and simulation of natural disasters.
Rainald Lohner - Increasing the number of cores for Industrial / Legacy codes: approaches, implementation and timings
Head of the Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics, George Mason University, USA
Rainald Lohner received a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany, as well as a PhD and DSc in Civil Engineering from the University College of Swansea, Wales, where he studied under Profs. Ken Morgan and Olgierd Zienkiewicz. His areas of interest include numerical methods, solvers, grid generation, parallel computing, visualization, pre-processing, fluid-structure interaction as well as shape and process optimization. His codes and methods have been applied in many fields, including aerodynamics or airplanes, cars and trains, hydrodynamics of ships, submarines and UAVs, shock-structure interaction, dispersion analysis in urban areas and haemodynamics of vascular diseases. He is the author of more than 600 articles covering the fields enumerated above, as well as a textbook on Applied CFD Techniques.
Susana Gómez - Modeling and simulation of an oil polluted sea pumping process, with a ship that follows an optimal trajectory (with B. Ivorra and A. Ramos, UCM, Spain)
Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y Sistemas, UNAM, Mexico
Frédéric Chalot - An overview of HPC and CFD at Dassault Aviation (with Q.V. Dinh and M. Mallet)
Dassault Aviation, France
This keynote presents an overview of the use of High Performance Computing in CFD at Dassault Aviation. Thanks to the finite element structure of our Navier-Stokes code, portability and a high level of parallelization and scalability are achieved on many modern computer architectures. We investigate the possible issues arising from this legacy code on many-core processors or hybrid hardware.
Sergi Girona - PRACE, Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe: The European Supercomputing Ecosystem
Operations Director of Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Chair of the Board of Directors Chair of PRACE-RI
Sergi Girona, has been the Operations Director at BSC since 2005. He is responsible for MareNostrum operations and coordination of the Spanish Supercomputing Network. Currently, he is one of the Spanish representatives at e-IRG. He is BSC representative in DEISA2 and HPC-Europa2 projects and the deputy representative of Spain in PRACE. Currently he is chair of the BoD of PRACE AISBL.
Lorena Barba - Dare to think about exascale CFD: a research agenda
Boston University, USA
Lorena Barba obtained her PhD in Aeronautics from California Institute of Technology in 2004. Her first degrees (BSc, PEng) are in Mechanical Engineering from Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in Valparaíso, Chile. In August 2004, she joined the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bristol, UK as a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics. There, she was the leader of an EC-funded international project titled “Scientific Computing Advanced Training” involving 10 institutions in Europe and Latin America. The project allowed more than 30 young aspiring scientists to spend an extended period immersed in a research group in Europe. In the Fall of 2008, Dr Barba started a new position as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Boston University. Dr Barba is a computational scientist and a fluid dynamicist.
Victor González - LBM-based approach for the solution of complex problems
Co-founder and CEO of Next Limit Technologies, Spain
Jens Jägersküpper - Highly parallel CFD for External Aerodynamics with DLR's Tau code
Center of Computer Applications in Aerospace Science and Engineering,
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Jens Jägersküpper studied computer science at the Technical University Dortmund, Germany, where he received his diploma and Ph.D. in 2001 and 2006, respectively. Dr. Jägersküpper worked as a scientific assistant at the Department of Computer Science of the Technical University Dortmund until 2008. Since 2009 he has worked as a research and development scientist at the Center of Computer Applications in Aerospace Science and Engineering (C²A²S²E) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology. Currently he is involved in a project on "Highly Efficient Implementation of CFD Codes for HPC Many-Core Architectures" ("HI-CFD"), with his main focus being the (parallel) performance of the CFD code TAU (compressible aerodynamic flows, unstructured grids).